AGASOL (Asociación de Empresas Galegas de Software Libre) and Xunta de Galicia throug AMTEGA (Axencia para a Modernización Tecnolóxica), want to reduce the gender gap between women and men in the STEM fields’ studies (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), in which female students are only around 30%. For this, they set in motion the program «Girl STEM: derrubando estereotipos«, which will be developed in seven large Galician cities during the months of September and October.
It is a mentoring program with women of renowned prestige who, through different work sessions, will pass on their experience to the youngest, talking about their career, clarifying doubts and contributing to demolish stereotypes.
From September 21 to October 19, there will be several meetings between girls from Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) and Baccalaureate and technological women referents in their sectors.
The objective of the program is to guide and empower the girls with inspiring talks from these directives and researchers who will tell them about their work, to encourage the youngest to choose, if they wish, STEM degrees. This program is part of the Plan de Talento Dixital de Galicia, DigiTalent 2020, promoted by Amtega.
África González will talk about her experience in the IES do Castro (Vigo).