CINBIO Research Centre of the Galician University System (2019-2022)

The Biomedical Research Centre (Centro de Investigacións Biomédicas), CINBIO, is a multidisciplinary research centre from University of Vigo that emerged to create a common infrastructure for biomedical experts and to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, resources and technology among different groups, but also with other Research Centres, Universities and Hospitals, Regional and Local Governments and related Industry.

Located at the University´s campus, CINBIO is composed of 14 research groups organized into 4 major lines connected to biomedicine and biotechnology:

  • Molecular medicine
  • Nutrition and wellbeing
  • Nanomaterials
  • Information technologies applied to health and biostatistics

Since the 13rd of December 2019, CINBIO is one of the eight Galician Research Centres, an acreditation granted by the General Secretariat for Universities from the Regional Government´s Education Universities and Profesional Training through the Program for the acreditation, structuring and improvement of research centres of Galicia´s University System. The acreditation is cofunded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), in the framework of the Operational Program Galicia 2014-2020 with the thematic objective to “promote technological development, innovation and high quality research”.