Reference: ITC-20113038
Funding Entity: Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI). FEDER-INNTERCONECTA
Consortium: CZ Veterinaria, Biofabri, Nanogap, Nanoimmunotech, the Reference Laboratory for E. coli (LREC) and the Nanobiofarm group from the University of Santiago de Compostela.
Principal Investigator: Dr. África González-Fernández
Duration: 01/09/2012 – 31/12/2014
Working group:
Dr. Silvia Lorenzo Abalde (Former member)
Olivia Estévez Martínez
Andrea Hernández Fernández
This Project was focused on the development of a new vaccine against antibiotic multiresistant extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC) strains, causing of cystitis, seeking for both a systemic and mucosal protection against the infection.
The Immunology Group worked in the design of a new vaccine based on the study of the immune response in mice after vaccination with monovalent, polyvalent and peptide-based vaccines. We also compared different routes of administration and the levels of protection conferred by each of them.
Furthermore, we worked on the optimization of a specific immunodetection methodology for the study of a humoral response against the bacterial strains used in the immunization.
Associated research lines: Nanomedicine, Vaccines.