On 21st June, CINBIO will host a demonstration session of the NANOeaters project funded by the INTERREG V-A Spain-Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020 program with the participation of researchers from the Immunology group, the Colloid Chemistry Group and the INL of Braga, as well as representatives of the Galician Innovation Agency (GAIN).
The Immunology group, along whith the INL has developed a diagnostic device (biosensor) for the early detection of peritoneal fibrosis from urine samples or dialysis fluids.
Chronic renal failure currently affects 10% of the world population, presenting a greater incidence in adults over 60 years. In developing countries, the treatment of this deficiency is difficult because of the cost and difficulty of the diagnosis. A method of early diagnosis of fibrosis would allow to take the therapeutic measures necessary to avoid fibrosis.
The advances on this research project will be presented during the workshop.
To download the program CLICK HERE.
Registration will be made by sending an email to inmunologia@uvigo.es before June 20.
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